So, you have a relatively new computer but are now frustrated because after a few months of use, it has become noticeably slower. This slowing down of computers is inevitable since a lot of space has been used up by several programs. Organization of data in the computer's hard drive is also compromised by the countless times programs have been installed and uninstalled. Before contemplating on buying a newer and faster system, it would be best if you read this free guide on how to upgrade your computer's speed. If you have enough money to shell out for hardware upgrades, then you can invest in a faster RAM. These days RAM can have a speed of 2 Gigabytes and this can make your computer run very fast.
However, you can settle for lesser speed provided that it suits your budget and your preference as to how your fast you want your computer to go. Other hardware upgrades can include getting a faster processor and a larger hard disk. Generally, however, it is the RAM that needs to be upgraded for a better performance.
There are programs available for sale that promises to speed up your computer. Buying one of these programs can greatly help you because it does it job quite well. These programs are very easy to use and will lessen your frustration in figuring out how to speed up your computer on your own. But you have to be very wary in choosing a program that claims to speed up your computer since not all of them do exactly what they claim.
Reading online testimonials and getting feedback from friends and family regarding a particular program will shed light on which program you should choose. But if you really want experts to work on your system to keep it in its tiptop shape, then going to one for consultation and repair will do you the trick. Nevertheless, you have to remember that professionals are working on your system equaling great cost that could reach hundreds of dollars, which could get you to think to just buy a new system instead of habitually upgrading each part of your current system and paying the same amount of money. On the contrary, if the following options are not options for you due to lack of money. There are several other ways to speed up your computer.
One of which is to tweak the settings. Settings such as stopping programs from launching automatically at start-up and visual display setting can be adjusted so that your computer will run faster. Defragmenting your computer's hard drive is the easiest way you can keep your computer's performance at its best.
Defragmenting will keep data that are related to each other close together so that it would be easier for the system to pull it up. Defragmenting regularly should be part of the maintenance you do on your computer. Installing anti-virus software is another way of making your computer run faster because it gets rid of all the viruses, worms, malwares, adwares, and spywares that have infiltrated your computer. The presence of these elements makes your computer slow because they use your computer's resources to run. You can choose from any of these options to upgrade your computer's speed because for sure, it will answer your need for speed.
Kris Mainieri is an accomplished Computer Tech focusing on innovative and unique ways to help people take their computing performance to a whole new level free. For a limited time, you can claim the "Secrets That Most People Will Never Know About Computers" e-book absolutely free by Clicking Here